i moved!! as most of you know, i willingly moved out of the best neighborhood in funkytown, and out of a very cool apartment. however, the building was old and needed a lot of work, and the landlady really had no interest in fixing the dump up. the utilities there were on a communal type system. take all the electric, gas, and water for the building, and divide it between the units. so, if, let's just say if one of yr neighbors is growing weed in a closet, running high pressure sodium grow lights all day and night, or if yr roommates feel the need to crank the AC to 70 all day and night, and yr neighbors are doing the same.....well, you get the idea. not to mention that the windows had little to no seal left, so you get a huge fuck-off utility bill each month. turns out, glenda (not the good witch, the bad slumlord), is selling the building who is surely going to gut it and make it yuppie friendly lofts for ungodly sums of money (fort worth need more lofts, dontcha think?).
so, i have done what i vowed never to do again...move into an apartment complex.....in west fort worth. i am now a resident at the place at westover hills. i actually lived here before when i moved back from portland in '98 with my friend ernst (R.I.P. brother). the same complex where i got fined for smashing a pool lounge chair with a frozen turkey (and then ernst threw the turkey in the pool). i gotta tell you though, i love it here. it's quiet. it has a washer/dryer set. i have an actual bedroom!! with a bed!! best of all, it's mine!! i need stuff though (i.e. sofa, dining room chairs, bookshelves, etc.) i also gotta say, falling asleep to the sound of the freeway is strangely comforting.
the biggest downside to all of this, is that the only cable company to service this place is a company called ygnition. ever heard of them? me either. oh the wacky misspelled ignition!! anyway. i signed up for cable internet from them a few days ago. mostly, no problems, but most of the time i go on myspace, i can not view any of my friends pics. sometimes, i can see them all, sometimes i can see 4 or 5 of them, but most of the time, none of them. same for netflix. i called them and told them my woes, and they had no real answer for me. trying to say it was my memory or something to do with my computer. but, i took it up to my work to try on the t-mobile network, and it worked fine. today, it is working fine, but it is highly irritating to pay for the internet and have limited access. fuckers.
this has to be the dullest blog ever. next one will be better.