Friday, April 11, 2008

get on the bus!

the following are old entries in the old city bus journals. enjoy.



i just missed the bus. i'm on my way to the dentist. i was going to ride my bike today, but it was pouring when i woke up, so i called jole to take me to starbucks. i got some coffee and left promptly, sometimes i hate that place. i needed a composition book and a pen, so i went to dollar tree (i'm in love with dollar stores). got what i needed ($2.17), and walked toward the camp bowie bus stop across from el fenix only to see the #2 sail by. somebody just honked at me. it's totally dreary, yet humid out today and my throat feels like i swallowed a g.i. joe. i just got thru taking antibiotics for a sore throat. i have the immune system of a paper towel. i should buy some vitamins today.


started raining again right as the bus rolled up. a lady at the stop invited me to share her umbrella, i politely declined. this bus is too cramped to write.


i got off the bus at best buy as the scary old lady was getting on. this lady, never changes clothes. always clad in the same bright green skirt, gaudy multi-blue blouse, and dirty white flats with no socks. it's hard to gauge how old she is. she wears her make up like a clown and looks like she dyes her hair with black shoe polish. she always has a cart with her. sometimes she nods off on the bus. she might be mexican. she looks like a witch. i don't want to see the dentist.


god, novocaine sucks!



sitting at the bus stop on university across from the park village shopping center waiting on the #7. i decided to get up earlier than usual to have breakfast. i had a dream about eating french toast, so i treated myself to some at denny's. i also ate eggs (over hard), bacon, sausage, and orange juice.
i normally ride my bike on the river trails to 7th st. and take the #2 to my store. today however, i'm not feeling that active. plus, i wore jeans, and it is a bit warm to ride in such attire.
where is the (text missing)


i'm on the #7 now, but i am the only one. nothing to report.


the bus has stopped for a minute. it picked up a lady.i think she had been to a museum. i just saw that the marquee for will rogers coliseum says that morrissey is playing tomorrow. what an odd place for him to perform. museum lady has a map out. the driver seems to be giving her directions, but all i can hear is les savy fav. i gotta pee really bad.


about 7 high school kids have gotten on the bus. they are all wearing white t-shirts and blue or black pants. i wonder (text missing) they are juvenile delinquents. maybe they are orphans. two of the boys looks really dopey. the kids are talking about lawyers. they must've fucked up bad.


there are some characters on the #2. too many to describe. this overweight woman with an afro and a gold tooth is eating a piece of fudge and doesn't seem to sure about it. seems to be a lot of fat people on here today. when i was getting on, some thug stepped on my heel. i shot him a glare, he gave me a delayed apology. too cramped to write. i'll update later if necessary.


upon further inspection, it's not fudge, but a powerbar. no wonder the apprehensive looks.


jones just called, but i did not answer because i hate talking on the phone in a crowd. this bus is packed. a very small latino woman with a shitload of make-up and a red skullcap bandana sat next to me. she is eating fritos out of a crumpled napkin. i hate the smell of fritos. i really, really have to piss.



i'm running late today (kinda). today, i took the bike trail to 7th. i realized on the way, i forgot to grab bus fare. i bought an energy bar for sustenance ( and to get cash back) from the 7-11 by the wreck room. rode to the stop with just enough time to finish my protein bar. i crammed the remainder in my mouth and put my bike on the bus rack. see, i always put my bike on the rack closest to the front of the bus (the rack hold only 2 bikes) as a courtesy to other riders, so they can have have easier access to the other slot. however, the driver motions for me to put it in the other slot. i do so, and enter the bus and ask "what's wrong with the closer slot?" the asshole replies "nothing. i just don't want it there." i gave him a look and sat down.
oh to wield such power. fucking asshole. i'm almost to work. scary clown lady is sleeping across from me. she's wearing a purple blouse today.



sitting at the stop at the intersection of camp bowie/ university/ 7th waiting for the #2. i can't see the bus at all. at the stop with me is a big lady in blue stretch pants and glasses with really thick lenses. it is such a gorgeous day out. it's a damn shame i have to work inside. i'm all sweaty from biking. i really should start riding all the way to work again, but then i would miss out on possible bus experiences.


hmmm. nothing exciting today. there is a fat boy in the back wearing a sleeveless metallica shirt and a pantera ball cap and a septum piercing reading a dungeons and dragons book. there is a fat girl trying to nap, but can't seem to get comfy.



at the stop on camp bowie near 7th/uni/etc... finally see the bus. there is a latino thug in a big puffy jacket, thug boots, and baggy jeans. he was eating a pen, but is now laying down on the bench.


i just got to my store. i couldn't write on the bus because it was probably the most crowded i have ever seen it. it was full of ugly people. here is a brief list of what i saw:

-tons of thugs
-two young black girls talking about their numerous babies
-a fat white lady with gangster tats (the one on her neck said tripp in cursive), pigtails, and 4,000 barrettes in her hair
-an old man with blue ears (seriously, he had fucking blue ears!!!)
-one of the thugs was clutching a handful of dvds including jet li's the enforcer, reign of fire (dragons right?), and the new dawn of the dead.
-an old lady that smelled like an ashtray that clipped her fingernails right next to me.

god bless public transportation.



on the #2 going to work. i'm totally sick. at the back of the bus, there is a big black guy eating sunflower seeds and spitting them in the corner. some people.


jo'el said...

Very nice. I bet many of those people have died from TB and the plague by now. Did you still have the Magna then?

dypsokat said...

circa 04? ummm. hard to say. maybe the first schwinn.