oh my god! i am in the throes of an amazing food coma. fuck turkey, fuck dressing, fuck any bland, canned, traditional thanksgiving fare. i abhor that nonsense. my dear mum and i came up with a fantastic menu this year.
we chose a pork loin roast for the main carcass of devouring. i arrived at mum's around noon, escaped to my work to procure espresso briefly, then returned to carefully whisk together a husky marinade of st. peters porter beer, molasses, balsamic vinegar, homemade vanilla extract, coffee,crushed garlic, and more than a few healthy dashes of cayenne. placed large hunk of pig in a tupperware container with said marinade in fridge, later to be flipped.
we had to go to the store for a few more items. came back and i whipped up a couple of fried egg and bacon and cheddar on english muffin sammies to nosh on. mother was working on a horrible italian cream cake w/ orange curd an pecan cream cheese icing. around 2 i asked "is it time to start drinking?" cracked a bottle of gabbiano chianti to sip whilst i cut up onions for caramelizing, and halving brussel sprouts. with the onions reducing to brown goo, i pulled the hunk o pork from its dark depths of marinade, patted dry, and coated in salt and pepper. heat skillet, olive oil, sear on all sides, place in roasting pan 400 degrees with a bit of marinade around it, reserve rest.
mum did not have a proper meat thermometer, so i had to run home to grab mine (i live like..2 blocks away). boiled potatoes, set aside.
forgot to mention i was roasting garlic along with the roast.
render fat from bacon, sear halved sprouts in pig fat, braise in ugly pug and salt.
strain remaining marinade from pork. heat in skillet. reduce. add chicken stock. reduce add chicken stock. reduce to glaze.
melt butter in small saucepan. add cream and milk. rice potatoes (read up on potato ricers, i have seen the light!). press roasted garlic. incorporate all together. top w/ caramelized onions.
i also forgot to mention the spinach cheese puff mum made. kinda liked creamed spinach, but with gruyere cheese, and breadcrumbs, baked to golden deliciousness. ZOMG!@!!!
my main gripe, is that the pig could have been soaked in juice longer, and we cooked it a bit long for my taste. it was still wonderfully juicy, and the sauce..... wow. it was intriguing. the flavors that developed were truly amazing. everything turned out great. i drained 2 bottles of wine, had a slice of cake (which btw, should have killed me...oh the decadence!!), watched some tv for a bit, but had to return home to check on my poor baby scat, and give her meds.
if you didn't know, scat had to stay at the metro west hospital for a couple of nights for what they think is pancreatitis. she was not eating, pooping, peeing for some days, and was vomiting alot. she is back home now after iv, an enema, and special diet ( which she is continuing now). we are waiting on her blood work back from a&m soon to see what her diagnosis be. she is eating, not vomiting, but still lethargic, so hopefully on the mend.
i want to give shout out to all of my wonderful friends, i am thankful for you all. may the coming year, and the end of this one bring you happiness.
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